7. Role of the WFD Regional Committees

Closed19 Jun, 2023, 09:00 - 31 Dec, 2023, 17:00

Currently, there are two different types of committees across the five regions; the Regional Operational Committee that comprises representatives of all the implementing bodies and the Regional Water and Environment Management Committee, made up of all the local authorities Directors of Services in the region and chaired by a Chief Executive.

The terms of reference for each of the committees will need to be reviewed upon publication of the RBMP, with a greater emphasis being placed on the tracking of implementation at the regional level with issues or blockages being brought to the attention of the National Coordination and Management Committee.

The workshop in the pilot catchments would seek to determine the interaction between the Catchment Community Fora and the Regional Management Committees (RMC) and An Fóram Uisce.